Spinal Curvature in Children: What Parents Need to Know

Have you ever noticed a slight tilt in your child's posture or heard concerns about their back health from a teacher or a healthcare professional? Spinal curvature in children is something many parents may wonder about, and while it's common for children to have some natural curve in their spine, there are instances when the curvature becomes more pronounced, requiring attention.

What is Spinal Curvature in Children?

Spinal curvature is a natural bend or curve that is present in the child's spine. Everyone has a slight curvature of the spine when viewed from the side, but the spine should be straight when looking at it from the back. In some children, an abnormal curve develops, which can be seen when the child is looked at from the back. These curves occur in different ways and directions, including sideways; forward; inward curves, of which the actual type of curve depends on how the curvature can be described according to the type that occurs in most children.

Reasons for Child Spinal Curvature

There are various causes of spinal curvature in children. In most cases of scoliosis, it is often of unknown cause. It could sometimes be because of congenital conditions, meaning the child might have been born with an unusual formation of the spine. It could also be because of neuromuscular conditions, for instance, cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

Poor posture may also be a cause of spinal curvature because children spend their hours sitting at school desks, facing screens, or carrying heavy backpacks. In such cases, curvature is usually less severe and becomes better with time and proper habit of posture.
Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Curvature

Most children with spinal curvature are asymptomatic and do not complain of pain or discomfort. The reason why early detection is crucial is that if left untreated, the curvature can worsen with time. Some of the symptoms of spinal curvature in children include the following:

There is a visible curve in the back